Do You Want To Feature As A Speaker?
Are you interested to present your Deal, or speak about your Industry?

We are always on the hunt for Industry Experts & Real Deal Presenters for our Monthly Meetups, as well as further 'LIVE' interviews with Rob via our Social Media platforms, including Facebook & YouTube.

If you are an Expert in your Industry, have done a Deal recently and are willing to share their experience….then no matter where you are located in Australia, WE WANT YOU!

Our community is growing and we need Experts & Real Deals in ALL AREAS!

If you are an Industry Expert:

This is a great opportunity to showcase your services and educate the audience on your specialty. You'll be able to tap into the brains trust of 1,000's of Developers, gain feedback on their pain points, provide tips & tricks about the product &/or service you provide, and in turn pick-up a few new clients along the way.

If you have a Real Deal:

This is great exposure for you to demonstrate your successes and how you deal with challenges. We have found that the majority of our presenters have been able to achieve money partners much easier after having demonstrated their projects.

Apply now using one of the above links and we'll be in touch with you soon to discuss the opportunity further!

We'll look forward to having you share your experiences with our community!
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