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February 1, 2025
What Can You Expect?
Our Industry Experts present on topics relevant to you and address the challenges that you will face on your property development journey
These are members of the community presenting their own deals, showcasing the good / bad and the sometimes 'ugly'
Our very unique  Masterminding process where we help you to overcome your current challenges so that you can achieve a successful return
Don't forget the after meeting drinks...where many a JV partnership is found and at times this part can go for as long as the formal meeting, so be sure to get a 'leave pass' to join us!
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Build a Payment Shield of Protection (Altura Legal) + Reno - Rooming House Build (Caroline Briers)
Bringing together the collective knowledge & experience of your local community to assist you in progressing on your Property Development journey.
Altura Legal - Marija Caruana-Smith
Marija Caruana-Smith has extensive experience in building and construction disputes, commercial litigation and dispute resolution. She has advised and acted on behalf of commercial and residential builders, developers, subcontractors, homeowners, companies and individuals, across all State, Federal and Appellate jurisdictions.
Marija was recently awarded Sole Practicioner of the Year 2024 by Lawyers Weekly - Women in Law Awards and provides high quality strategic guidance and solutions to complex legal disputes, ensuring that her clients' legal position, interests and reputation are protected at all times. Understanding that most people prefer to settle matters out of Court, Marija is skilled in negotiating out of court settlements. If litigation is inevitable, Marija draws on her extensive litigation experience to navigate her clients through the process, keeping them informed each step of the way to achieve the best result.
Industry Expert
Build a Payment Shield of Protection

Do you know what the Security of Payment Act (VIC) actually is and what it does?

Basically, it is a pay now, argue later "scheme".  YES – you read that right! If you are disputing an invoice, you may have to pay it in full before you can argue about it.  Whaaaat!!!!

Be aware!

Failing to understand that a payment claim can be made against you, choosing to ignore it, or failing to take the required steps within prescribed timeframes can have disastrous consequences!

If you receive a payment claim and you wish to challenge it, if the appropriate steps are not taken, then a statutory debt arises and the defences which can be raised become very limited!

It’s vitally important to be able to identify a Payment Claim, so you can act upon it correctly.

But don’t worry, that’s where this week’s speaker comes in. We have Marija Caruana-Smith from Altura Legal joining us to share:

- How the Security of Payment Act is applicable to mum/dad or small developers
- How to identify a Payment Claim
- Steps that ought to be taken if you wish to challenge a Payment Claim
- Recent case study

Come along to this Meetup to learn from Marija what the "magic words" are that you need to be on the lookout for so you don’t get caught out.
Caroline Briers
Caroline Briers started her property development journey very conservatively with a traditional buy and hold strategy with negative gearing and uplift via renovation. She is now focused on cashflow - and has recently retired to enjoy it! Caroline is currently renovating another rooming house that she did a conversion on a few years back in order to uplift rents. Then she intends to demolish the original house at Glenroy and build another smaller purpose-built rooming house.
'Real Deal' Presentation
1 into 2 Subdivision, Reno, Rooming House Build

1019m2, NRZ, Glenroy, Merribek Council, Victoria

Have you chosen your “cookie cutter” strategy? The one you will do over and over again so that you become an expert in that strategy.

As Rob says, the fastest path to success is choose one strategy, one Council, and three suburbs, then become an “expert” in that strategy and area.

Being an “area expert” meant that Caroline could purchase this property for much less than similar properties because she new a “secret trick” with the stormwater pipes!

However, as you progress your property development journey, it may be necessary to change Councils.

BUT – did you know that your ability to finance a project can vary depending on the location? AND that each Council has different planning requirements – for the EXACT same type of project? Sheesh!

Caroline Briers had done this type of development project before… but there were still new things to learn along the way with this one:

- the LVR that the bank offered was MUCH lower at 30% less than previously quoted!
- Caroline had to fund the shortfall from funds allocated to another project
- Council pushed to have the construction done before the subdivision
- It would have meant the project would not have been able to be constructed
- Council wanted the driveway and stormwater pipes installed as part of the subdivision instead of during the construction of the Rooming House
- Stormwater easement along the side of the property
- Old terracotta stormwater pipes full of tree roots at the back of the property
- Council trying to add flood overlay to the property even though the only reason it floods is from old terracotta pipes full of tree roots!

Caroline has learnt a trick or two when it comes to the design and construction of the Rooming Houses, along with what to include to maximise your rental revenue!

If having a lucrative cash cow with good equity uplift in your portfolio interests you, then you don’t want to miss this Meetup!

RSVP now to secure your seat.

Pricing & Ticket Options

'Existing Annual Member' (Included for you, simply RSVP below)

'Casual Attendee' ($25 for 1 meeting only)

'Annual Member' ($250/year)

OR.....If it's your FIRST TIME
You can trial our PDN Annual Membership for JUST $1!

February 1, 2025
**Space Is Limited - RSVP NOW**
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