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February 15, 2025
What Can You Expect?
Our Industry Experts present on topics relevant to you and address the challenges that you will face on your property development journey
These are members of the community presenting their own deals, showcasing the good / bad and the sometimes 'ugly'
Our very unique  Masterminding process where we help you to overcome your current challenges so that you can achieve a successful return
Don't forget the after meeting drinks...where many a JV partnership is found and at times this part can go for as long as the formal meeting, so be sure to get a 'leave pass' to join us!
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Trees Make or Break Your Project (Independent Arboricultural Services) + 4 Townhouses (Simon Chap)
Bringing together the collective knowledge & experience of your local community to assist you in progressing on your Property Development journey.
Independent Arboricultural Services - Roger Rankine
Independent Arboricultural Services offer independent, unbiased and professional arboricultural advice to provide the best possible solution, always proud to promote an educated arboricultural view supported by peer reviewed research from around the world and delivered using the latest methods and technologies.
Roger Rankine uses the management expertise, experience and technological skills gained during his corporate career to lead the Company into the next generation of technologies and service levels.
Industry Expert
Trees Make or Break Your Project 

Did you know that ONE tree in the wrong location can completely de-rail the viability of a property development project?

Stumped about what you need to know when you are doing Due Diligence on a potential project so you don’t buy a dud that is not developable?

What about if Council impose having a bioretention basin as part of your subdivision…  What do you plant and how do you keep them alive for the maintenance period?

On the flip side, trees can add so much value to a project making your stock easier to sell and for a much higher price!

To step us through the forest of information, we have Roger Rankine from Independent Arboricultural Services joining us to share:

- Dealing with council on tree retention and tree removal.
- Understanding what you can and can't do in tree protection zones.
- What is a tree protection zone?
- Incursion in a tree protection zone.
- Natural Assets Local Law (NALL).
- When to engage an Arborist and how they can assist with your development project.

Come along to this Meetup and hear from Roger all you need to know about trees and how they impact your subdivision or townhouse development project!
Simon Chap
Simon Chap's interest in property development began in 2014 while assisting his Mum in her first townhouse development. Since then, they have completed a townhouse project, a motel renovation and a design for a new serviced apartment build. He is now starting his own projects and is looking to assist others in their property development journey. Simon currently has a 1 into 2 subdivision in Salisbury in the pipeline.
'Real Deal' Presentation
4 Townhouses

696sqm, Medium Density Residential, Cleveland, Redland City Council, Queensland

Do you have an investment property in your portfolio that has development potential?

Simon purchased this site as an investment property in 2010 with the help of his Mum. BUT the tenants stopped paying rent and vacated without notice! Yikes!

What to do now! No tenants and no income!

It was time to act on the DA and build!

Luck was on his side with a great builder and quick construction timeframe. However, Simon had a few difficulties to resolve along the way:

- Changes in the planning scheme.
- Inexperienced staff within Council's Engineering Assessment team.
- Delays obtaining Operational Works (compliance assessment).
- Delays with mortgagee consent from the bank because the    solicitor chased up the wrong bank!
- Delays obtaining On Maintenance sign-off from Council at completion.
- Wet weather making the red clay soil stick to everything – it’s famous in the Redlands!
- Civil engineers engineering an engineers solution - overdesigning things!
- Who's controlling the project? Me or the builder?
- Not sticking to a strategy: build to keep and rent or build to sell.
- Decisions on finishes, fixtures and selections hampering end sales.

Come along to this Meetup to learn from Simon how he navigated through the challenges to achieve good price points on this impressive project!
Pricing & Ticket Options

'Existing Annual Member' (Included for you, simply RSVP below)

'Casual Attendee' ($25 for 1 meeting only)

'Annual Member' ($250/year)

OR.....If it's your FIRST TIME
You can trial our PDN Annual Membership for JUST $1!

February 15, 2025
**Space Is Limited - RSVP NOW**
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