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January 25, 2025
What Can You Expect?
Our Industry Experts present on topics relevant to you and address the challenges that you will face on your property development journey
These are members of the community presenting their own deals, showcasing the good / bad and the sometimes 'ugly'
Our very unique  Masterminding process where we help you to overcome your current challenges so that you can achieve a successful return
Don't forget the after meeting drinks...where many a JV partnership is found and at times this part can go for as long as the formal meeting, so be sure to get a 'leave pass' to join us!
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Working With Your Neighbours (Herriman Legal) + 1 into 6 Subdivision (Mark Harris & Nicola Woodman)
Bringing together the collective knowledge & experience of your local community to assist you in progressing on your Property Development journey.
Herriman Legal - Emma Herriman
Emma Herriman is a planning, development, infrastructure and environmental law specialist. She has over 20 years’ legal experience in both the UK and Australia, and has acted for individuals, developers, land-owners, industry, utilities, community groups and local and State governments in that time. Her work covers all industry sectors and her approach to the law is strategic and commercial.
Industry Expert
Working With Your Neighbours

Did you know that your neighbours have legal rights when it comes to your property development projects?

Being a thoughtful and communicative developer is important for a raft of reasons. Upsetting your neighbours can result in:

- Delay in obtaining your planning consent – or the Council deciding to refuse your application.
- Delay in the construction and / or completion of your development.
- Legal threats and possible action.
- General neighbourhood upset and discord.

… all of which costs you time and money!

Avoiding your neighbours and not taking responsibility for the impacts of your development don't fix associated problems. It’s important to find a way through problems and bring about a reasonable outcome for you both.

Better still – consider all the potential impacts during your due diligence phase.  Be prepared for discussions with your neighbours and consider what you can do to avoid future problems.

To talk us through common issues that may arise with neighbours throughout the development process is Emma Herriman of Herriman Legal.  Emma will run through examples of issues that can arise with neighbours, such as:

- “Where is the boundary between our properties?”
- “Where does my infrastructure run?”
- “You didn’t consult me on your planning application and I have a million problems with it”
- "You cannot remove that tree - it is on my land"
- “Your demolition has damaged my house / land”
- “You are making too much noise”
- “You have trespassed onto my property”
- “Your development is too close to our house”
- “Your stormwater is impacting my property”
- “The operation of your development is causing me a nuisance.”
- “I have called the Council about the issue and will be seeking legal advice”

Come along to his Meetup to find out how to lower the risk of neighbour upset, disputes and legal action in preparing for and carrying out your development.
Harwood Homes - Nicola Woodman & Mark Harris
Mark Harris & Nicola Woodman have been property developing since 2012, more seriously since 2016 and quit our day jobs in 2018 & 2022 respectively. Their current favourite strategy is subdivisions. They are about to sign on deal number 21. Other projects in the pipeline are another 2 subdivisions, and an affordable housing project, with 2 projects just finished – they are looking for more!
'Real Deal' Presentation
1 into 6 Land Subdivision (Harwood Homes - Mark Harris & Nicola Woodman)

3.22ha, Rural Living & Rural Horticulture Zoning, Waikerie, District Council of Loxton Waikerie, South Australia

Have you ever thought about tackling a subdivision project in a rural area BUT found yourself overwhelmed by the what-ifs?

Don’t know how to get access to services with such a big block of land?

What about also having to deal with flooding, wildlife, pesky Council regulations! It all sounds pretty tricky… Right!?!? It’s enough to make anyone hesitate!

Well, that’s what Mark & Nicola from Harwood Homes faced with this 1 into 6 subdivision project - PLUS there were more obstacles to navigate:

- deceased estate with inflexible lawyer as the executor
- change of government policy for rural rooming houses
- Anomaly in the zoning
- delays to electricity connection with Murray River flooding
- water connection installed in the wrong place
- Council asking for building envelope for the 5,200m2 subdivided block! Whatttt???
- creepy bedroom in the existing house…
- AND rabbits eating the landscaping! Augghhhh!

Fortunately, they had great JV partners who funded the deal in cash (no banks involved) and Council came good with laying bitumen on the road at the front of the block.

Come along to this Meetup to learn from these super-experienced developers how they ploughed through the problems and harvested a healthy profit at the end of the deal!
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'Existing Annual Member' (Included for you, simply RSVP below)

'Casual Attendee' ($25 for 1 meeting only)

'Annual Member' ($250/year)

OR.....If it's your FIRST TIME
You can trial our PDN Annual Membership for JUST $1!

January 25, 2025
**Space Is Limited - RSVP NOW**
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